Cement, Lime & Rock Products
Amerair’s experience in the cement, lime and rock products industries is extensive covering a multitude of both process emissions and fugitive dust applications to include in the cement industry: kiln, clinker cooler, raw and finish mills, coal mill, alkali bypass, ball mills, separators, material handling and silo ventilation.
With baghouse, scrubber and heat exchange technologies, our products offer excellence control solutions for kilns, dryers, mills, separators, material handing and silo ventilation in the cement, lime, clay, rock and mineral industries.
Forced draft tubular heat exchanger reduces gas temperature from cement clinker cooler and mineral kiln operations from 1000°F to 350°F. The multiple fans staging process provides excellent outlet gas temperature control in order not to exceed the temperature limitation of the baghouse filter media. The rejected heat from the process can be recovered for space heating requirements by manifolding the clean side heat transfer air.